It comes as a powder, but it also comes in sheet form although, gelatin sheets are a specialty product used mostly by pastry chefs. Just make sure you don’t get the sweetened, colored, flavored stuff you use to make dessert we’re looking for pure gelatin. You can find gelatin in the baking aisle of your local grocery store. So, if you want the benefits of a bone broth, or “stock” as we refer to it in the culinary world, but you don’t have time to make your own, you can enrich the store-bought stuff with a little bit of all-natural, unflavored gelatin. Most store-bought stocks today aren’t made in this traditional manner because it’s too time-consuming and expensive. Traditionally, those less edible parts would go into a stock pot with water and vegetables and simmer for 6 to 12 hours, until all of their healthy goodness is extracted. It’s a protein loaded with many amino acids that are normally only found in the parts of animals we don’t eat (think bones and tough connective tissue). First, let’s talk about what it is: Gelatin is what collagen turns into after extended periods of low and slow heating.